Sunday, May 17, 2020

Why Is Art Is A Terrible Thing And Should Not Exist

People have drastically different opinions on the use of artistry in writing. Plato for one, believes that art is a terrible thing and should not exist because of its illusions. On the other hand, Patricia Smith uses it to, create the desired impact or slam home a salient point. Smith did this by making up people and their stories and writing quotes from them as if they were real. Smith s case is an example of why Plato was intent on the end of artistry. Some artists use qualities of writing meant for fiction in their nonfiction accounts. When they are discovered for breaking the rules of being a writer, they lose things like their jobs and credibility. Just like Patricia Smith, Bartolomà © de Las Casas wrote in a way that is unethical†¦show more content†¦This is because according to an article from the Smithsonian magazine, Las Casas made a major calculation error, Some scholars estimate the Taino population may have reached more than 3 million on Hispaniola alone as the 15th century grew to a close(Poole). His information does not line up and is misleading in this section as well as when he portrays the Indians like docile people who are, Never quarrelsome or belligerent or boisterous, they harbour no grudges and do not seek to settle old scores; indeed the notions of revenge, rancour, and hatred are quite foreign to them (Las Casas 10). While it is probable that many of the natives fit this description, it is also likely that many did not. This is a generalization that would cause the audience to have incorrect pre-assumed ideas about Indians living in Latin America. Many parts of the Stearns and Smithsonian articles show the Aztec empire as a strong one which had conquered lots of land, the Indian peoples and cultures were more resilient(Stearns). Another accusation was that Since what a European will consume in a single day normally supports three native house-holds of ten persons each for a whole month (Las Casas 14).This just sounds wrong rea ding it, and it would be rather ignorant for anyone to assume this was possible. On a normal diet for a Native person, this would imply that a European ate 1,800,000

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